Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 11, 2012

Giới thiệu Fine-Tek

Flow indication and control output, Fluid control and monitoring, temperature sensor and control indication, customized counters, length positioning monitoring, industrial customized programming, consumer product programming, pressure control, speed monitoring, Oil tank monitoring and various other application products.
Liquid Solution
liquid solution
  1. Mini Float Level Switch
  2. Magnetic Float Level Switch
  3. Side Mounting Float Switch
  4. Cable Float Level Switch
  5. Capacitance Level Switch
  6. RF Admittance Level Switch
  7. Vibrating Probe Level Switch
  8. Paddle Type Flow Switch
  1. Dispersion Flow Switch
  2. Ultrasonic Level Indicator
  3. Capacitance Level Indicator
  4. Pressure Level Indicator
  5. Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter
  6. By-Pass Level Indicator
  7. Magnetic Float Level Indicator
  8. FMCW Radar Level Transmitter

Solid / Powder Solution
  1. Capacitance Level Switch
  2. RF Admittance Level Switch
  3. Vibrating Probe Level Switch
  4. Rotary Paddle Level Switch
  5. Proximity Switch
  1. TDR Radar Level Transmitter
  2. Ultrasonic Level Indicator
  3. Capacitance Level Indicator
  4. Electromechanical Level Measuring System
For more information on FineTek product visit their web site at:

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